Cancel or renew your subscription
Your subscription will be automatically renewed one year from the date of purchase. If you are at the end of your subscription period, you will receive an email from us informing you about the upcoming renewal. If you want to cancel your subscription, follow the steps below.
- Go to the Subscription Page.
- Choose "Manage subscriptions & payments".
- You will be redirected to the Stripe page.
- You will see the option to cancel your subscription.
- Your license will now be terminated at the end of your subscription period.
If you change your mind, you can renew your subscription Here.
Paid through Paddle?
If you are a resident outside of the USA, EU, Norway, UK, Australia, Canada (except the state of Saskatchewan), Singapore, New Zealand, Malaysia, Japan, or Iceland, you have probably purchased a license through our online reseller Paddle.
- Go to the Subscription Page.
- Choose "Cancel subscription".
- You will be redirected to the Paddle page.
- You will see the option to cancel your subscription.
- Your license will now be terminated at the end of your subscription period.
Important: This action cannot be undone. If Paddle customers want to renew their subscription, they can take out a new subscription after the expiry of their current subscription period.