Create a free teacher account

With a free account (Basic account) you have these benefits:

  • Save up to three names lists
  • Poll; remote voting
  • Save your language for the text in the widget bar
  • Save widget bar layout
  • Save (widget) preferences

How to Sign up

  1. Go to the Sign-Up Page.
  2. Agree to the Terms and Privacy Policy by checking the box.
  3. Choose to sign up through your Microsoft account, Google account, or with an email address and password that you set.
  4. Press the "Create account" button and you are ready to go!

Please note that there is no need for students to create an account. Students can use Classroomscreen without an account, in fact, according to our Terms & Conditions students are not allowed to create an account if they are under 18 years.

Save your screens with a Pro account

If you would like to save your screens, you can Upgrade your account to Classroomscreen Pro. In addition to saving screens, you have even More Benefits with a Pro account. You can also Start A 14-Day Pro Trial for free.

Use Classroomscreen without an account

You can use Classroomscreen without an account and get quick access to the widgets you need during your lesson. We recommend that you create an account if you use Classroomscreen regularly.

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