
The Hyperlink widget is an effective tool capable of compiling all of your go-to sites in one streamlined location. Locate this widget behind the 'more' button, next to the QR Code.

Use this widget
no account needed

How it works

Each widget holds up to 10 links and this can come in handy when you need to group sites based on homework, or extracurricular activities for example. When you add a link to the Hyperlink widget, and click 'Generate Link', the websites listed will always redirect to a new tab so Classroomscreen stays active beside it. This widget provides you with the power to save time, while keeping your students attention, with links you need at the ready!

Widget settings

Via the Hyperlink widget settings, you can modify the link, change the title, delete it from the list, and even swap the order of links displayed in the widget.


A site logo will be generated next to the link, when available, otherwise, there is a placeholder present (resembling a globe) that can be made inactive.

By clicking 'copy widget', via the widget options, you can achieve different results for the same links depending on your preference for display.

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